EECS 339: Introduction to Database Systems, Fall 2014

Instructor:Peter A. Dinda (Office Hours: Thursdays 2-5, Tech L463)
Teaching Assistants:Besim Avci (Office Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 11-1, Tech L580)
Brandon Staunton (Office Hours: Mondays and Fridays, 10:30-12:30, Wilk Lab (Tech M338))
Time:Fall 2014, MWF 4-4:50
Location:Tech A110
Course number:EECS 339
Enrollment Limit:40 (currently 47 registered + 6 auditors)

Getting in

The class enrollment was limited to 40 students due to resource limits. There were an additional 50 students waitlisted (the maximum capacity). In the end, I let in all CS seniors and a few CS juniors from the waiting list.


We will not use CMS/Blackboard for anything. We may use Canvas to disseminate grades. I haven't decided yet.

For discussions this quarter, we will use Piazza: EECS 339 Piazza Site

Directing your questions to Piazza will likely produce the fastest response, and everyone else in the class will also benefit.

I will occasionally send emails to everyone registered using CAESAR. These emails will go to the addresses that CAESAR has.

General Handouts

  • Syllabus
  • Using Databases in the Web of Things Environment
  • Gentle Introduction to SQL
  • Perl in a Nutshell
  • JavaScript Model in a Nutshell
  • JavaScript Tutorial
  • The T-Lab and Wilkinson Lab
    If you do not already have a T-Lab/Wilkinson Lab Linux and Windows account, you should get one now. You will these labs convenient places to work, especially with partners.
  • We recommend you use ssh (remote login) or VNC (remote graphical desktop) to access the class servers. To get started with VNC, ssh into the server and run ~pdinda/339/HANDOUT/
  • Projects

  • Red, White, and Blue (pdf) Due on October 15
  • Financial Portfolio (pdf) Due on November 12
  • BTrees (pdf) Due on December 5
  • Homeworks

  • HW 1: Entity-Relationship data model (pdf) Due on October 22
  • HW 2: Relational data model (pdf) Due on November 3
  • HW 3: Relational algebra (pdf) Due on November 17
  • Exams

  • Midterm (Tuesday, 11/4, 6pm, Tech LR3 - 90 minute exam)
    Review Sessions: 11/3 (In Class)
  • Final (Thursday, December 11, Tech A110, 7pm-9pm - 90 minute exam, not cummulative)
    Review Session: TBD
  • Useful Additional Content

  • Phillip Greenspun's SQL For Web Nerds Book, which we will make use of early in the class.
  • A Gentle Introduction to SQL, which has tutorials and examples of the slight differences in SQL from RDBMS to RDBMS.
  • Introduction to Unix (Peter Dinda) (video, part 1, video, part 2) (use your netid to accesss)
  • Fabian Bustamante's List of C and Unix Resources, which may help you if you are unfamiliar with getting around on Unix.
  • Cloud Computing and Google Spanner (Kyle Hale and Maciej Sweich) (pdf)
  • PHP for Active Content (David Choffnes) (slides, video, (code (intro.php and serveImage)) (use your netid to accesss)
  • Java Servlets and Server Pages (Andrew Simpson) (slides, video) (use your netid to accesss)
  • Peer-to-Peer Databases Lecture (Ashish Gupta, David Huber, Jay Bruins) (slides-1, slides-2, Real) (use your netid to accesss)
  • Comer's Ubiquitous B-Tree Paper
  • E.F. Codd's seminal paper on the relational data model
  • Johan Vromans's Perl Reference Guide
  • An older version of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, appears to be available for free online as part of the Web Programming CD Bookshelf 1.0

  • Peter Dinda
    Last modified: Mon Sep 21 11:43:30 CDT 2015