EECS 339: Introduction to Database Systems, Winter 2019

Instructor:Peter A. Dinda (Office Hours: Thursdays, 2-5pm, Mudd 3507)
Teaching Assistants:Brian Suchy (Office hours: Mondays, 9-12, Wilkinson Lab)
Mike Leonard (Office hours: Wednesdays, 10-11, 2-4pm, Wilkinson Lab)
Peer Mentor:Jin Han (Office hours: Mondays, 1-4pm, Wilkinson Lab)
Lecture:Winter 2019, MWF 4-4:50, Tech L361
Optional recitation:Wednesdays, 6pm, Tech M345
Enrollment Limit:100 (currently 100 + 15 waitlisted + ~30 inquiries)

Getting in

Class enrollment is limited to the space and other resources available. As students drop, students in the waiting list will be let in, with first priority given to CS and CE undergraduates.

Mike will also have office hours on Friday, 1-4pm in the first week of class.


We will use Canvas to disseminate grades, but for nothing else.

We will use Piazza for class discussions: EECS 339 Piazza Site

Directing your questions to Piazza will likely produce the fastest response, and everyone else in the class will also benefit.

I will occasionally send emails to everyone registered using CAESAR. These emails will go to the addresses that CAESAR has.

General Handouts

  • Syllabus
  • Using Databases in the Web of Things Environment
  • Gentle Introduction to SQL
  • Perl in a Nutshell
  • Learn Perl Online Tutorial
  • JavaScript Model in a Nutshell
  • JavaScript Tutorial
  • The T-Lab and Wilkinson Lab
    If you do not already have a T-Lab/Wilkinson Lab Linux and Windows account, you should get one now. You will these labs convenient places to work, especially with partners.
  • We recommend you use ssh (remote login) or VNC (remote graphical desktop) to access the class servers. To get started with VNC, ssh into the server and run ~pdinda/339/HANDOUT/ You may also be interested in using tmux (shared text sessions).
  • Pointers to videos on getting started are available on Piazza.
  • Projects

  • Red, White, and Blue (pdf) Now due on 2/1
  • Financial Portfolio (pdf) Due on 2/27
  • BTrees (pdf) Due on 3/15
  • Homeworks

  • HW 1: Entity-Relationship data model (pdf) Due on 2/6
  • HW 2: Relational data model (pdf) Due on 2/15
  • HW 3: Relational algebra (pdf) Due on 3/1
  • Exams

  • Midterm (Tuesday, Feb 19, Tech L211, 6pm-8pm - 90 minute exam)
    Review Session: 2/13 in Recitation
  • Final (Tuesday, March 19, Tech L211, 6pm-8pm - 90 minute exam, not cummulative)
    Review Session: 3/13 in Recitation
  • Useful Additional Content

  • Phillip Greenspun's SQL For Web Nerds Book, which we will make use of early in the class.
  • Comer's Ubiquitous B-Tree Paper
  • E.F. Codd's seminal paper on the relational data model
  • Johan Vromans's Perl Reference Guide
  • An older version of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, appears to be available for free online as part of the Web Programming CD Bookshelf 1.0

  • Peter Dinda
    Last modified: Thu Jan 24 18:26:43 CST 2019