MITP 491: Resource Virtualization and the Enterprise

Instructor:Peter A. Dinda (Office Hours: Thursdays 2-4)
Time:Winter 2006, Saturday Afternoons, 2-5pm, Feburary 3, 10, 17.
Course number:MITP 491


  • Syllabus TENTATIVE
  • EECS 441: Resource Virtualization is a research seminar that is run in the same quarter. MITP students who desire a deeper, research-oriented view of resource virtualization are welcome to attend and certainly to check out the detailed reading list from EECS 441.
  • Infoworld Virtualization Report
  • Useful Things

  • The Virtuoso Project within the Prescience Lab
  • Commercial Virtual Machine Monitors, Virtual Servers, Etc.
  • Xen (Free downloads of boot CDs and install CDs)
  • VMWare (VMWare Server and Player are freely available for download)
  • Microsoft Virtual PC
  • Virtual PC For Mac is an emulator version of this product
  • Virtual Server is MS's answer to VMWare Server.
  • User Mode Linux (Run Linux on top of Linux)
  • VServer (Linux virtual server)

  • Peter Dinda
    Last modified: Thu Feb 1 15:29:31 CST 2007