Peter A. Dinda (Office Hours: Thursdays, 2-4 or by Appointment)
Winter 2009, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-10:50am
Tech M164 (may move to a conference room)
Course number:
EECS 441
Unlike previous iterations of this course (Winter 2007, for example), this instance has
a significant difference. We will spend about 1/2 of the quarter
examining a virtual machine monitor in depth. In particular, we
will examine the implementation of the Palacios VMM from my V3VEE Research Project. Students will
collectively scribe and edit this 1/2 of the course to produce a
technical report. The readings will be correspondingly reduced.
General Handouts
Peter Dinda
Last modified: Sun Jan 11 15:06:15 CST 2009