CS 343: Operating Systems, Winter, 2025
This course currently has 100 students (high point: 120 students).
CS 343 satisfies one of the systems breadth, tech elective, or project requirements within the Computer Science major. It can also be taken for credit within the CE major.
We will use Canvas to report grades and to disseminate the occasional recording, but for little else. For
critical announcements, we will send email to the addresses that
CAESAR maintains.
For discussion, we will use Piazza. Directing your questions to Piazza will likely
produce the fastest response, and everyone else in the class will also
benefit. Piazza is configured to allow anonymous posting.
Accounts, Remote Access, Getting Started with Unix
I don't use slides. You are welcome to check out Branden Ghena's Slides. I do expect you to do all assigned reading and fill out a short form about it before each lecture.
Last modified: Mon Feb 28 18:25:33 CST 2022